Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shakespeare is Everywhere ...

Like everyone I know, I studied the works of William Shakespeare in high school. Not everyone studies the same ones of course. It all depends on the teacher you have, and the particular ciriculum of the grade, the school you went to. They are of course timeless ... and in the dissection of His works one learns a small lesson in those timeless tales ... in each and every story. Life is as you make it, pretend as you would ... You are the maker of your own happiness ... It IS that simple!

The tragic lovers in Romeo and Juliet ... The not so untameable heart in Taming of the Shrew ... The irrepessible and unpredictable love in Much Ado About Nothing ...

Sadly (or fortunately) we do not live in a world as simple, or complicated, as those that the Bard spun in his tales. Although it may seem those times were simple and easy for some, for others ... not so much. In every age everyone has troubles, trials, tribulations regardless of your standing, income bracket or familial connections.

Love, however, as the Beatles so aptly say ... Is All We Need!

Love of your family and friends ... That is what matters most of all. Those people are the ones that you can count on at any point in your life.

In all honesty ... I can't really speak from experience ... I have never really had "the great love of my life" .... Like everyone, I have had relationships but none to last the ages .... who knows maybe he's still out there ... waiting for me to wake up! Sleeping Beauty that we all believe we are ... waiting for our Prince.

Ok .. Ok .. I admit it ... I'm closet romantic! My close friends would know it to be true ... and those only on the periphery wouldn't buy it in me; Not even rent it ... Ice running through the veins and all ... We are all the sum of the many masks that we wear. I have a whole closet full ... how many do you have?

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women are merely players

Stay tuned for the next Act :D
4 of 5

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